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We Provide Moving Services in College Station, TX

Why Should You Hire a Professional Moving Company in College Station, TX?

RoadStar Moving in College Station, TX

Why hire a moving company? At RoadStar Moving, we specialize in residential and commercial moving services throughout Bryan and College Station, TX. Our goal is to make moving easier, less stressful, and more streamlined for every customer. We offer reliable, competitively priced moving services that work for every need and budget. Our moving services are designed to save you time, offer you peace, and give you space to focus on the more important aspects of moving.  If you’ve been wondering, “Should I hire a moving company?” or “How much does it cost to hire a moving company in College Station, TX?”, we have some answers for you. Keep reading to get some answers to frequently asked questions, and then call us to schedule a consultation or get answers to any questions that weren’t asked here.

What to Expect When You Hire a Professional Moving Company

When you hire a professional moving company like ours, you’re getting a full-service moving company. Our team undergoes rigorous training and education on providing safe, efficient, and valuable moving services. We hold ourselves to high standards and take criticism seriously because we are always trying to better ourselves. We will begin with an initial consultation, where we will assess your needs, goals, timeline, and budget. We’ll check our schedule and make sure we have availability. We’ll then go over what moving services you need and create a timeline for your move.

On your moving day, our team will check in with you before arriving to make sure you’re on schedule. We’ll show up on time, in uniform, with all the necessary tools, materials, and equipment. We will do a walkthrough of your home and make an inventory of your belongings and assess their condition. We will then give you a written contract or estimate for you to sign. We work efficiently but carefully. Our goal is to complete each job on schedule while maintaining the value and safety of your belongings. When we arrive at your new location, we will unload carefully and put items in the appropriate areas. We can assist with rearranging and reassembling furniture, exercise equipment, and more.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Moving Company?

Young man providing long-distance moving services in Bryan-College Station, TX

One of the questions we are asked most often is “How much will it cost to hire a moving company?” The answer depends on several factors. Before you decide to use our services, we will evaluate your timeline, needs, goals, distance of the move, and the volume of items to be moved. This will help us get a sense of how long your move will take and what tools and equipment we need. We can then give you a general estimate of the cost of hiring a moving company. If we will be moving specialty items that are heavy, oversized, or fragile, that might increase the average cost to hire a moving company.

We also offer packing services, which can save you time and help you avoid further stress. We recommend packing services for busy families and professionals, elderly people or people with mobility limitations, and anyone else who doesn’t want to commit extra time to pack. If you choose our packing services, we will show up with all the packing and moving supplies, materials, equipment, and vehicles needed to do the job safely and efficiently. We strive to ensure each customer gets added value for their money.

What to Look for In a Moving Company

It’s important to choose a qualified, experienced, reliable, and honest moving company. You want to protect yourself, your belongings, and your property. Hiring a moving company with no experience or references puts you at risk of financial losses and loss of belongings. Amateur movers can also add to your stress, make your move take longer, and cause damage to your home. Here are some factors to consider before you hire a moving company:

  • Using a local company – It will be easier to evaluate the experience and services offered by a local moving company.
  • Obtaining an estimate – You should shop around by obtaining estimates from at least three different companies for the cost of hiring a moving company. If a company refuses to provide an estimate, move on.
  • Verifying credentials – You will want to verify the credentials of a moving company before hiring them. If you are hiring a moving company for a long-distance move, they should have a license number issued by the Department of Transportation and a carrier number from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. In most states, local movers should also have licenses. You can look up your moving companies by their license number to verify it’s valid and that they don’t have any violations or complaints against them. You should also verify that they are fully insured and bonded.
  • Reading reviews – Do not hire a moving company that doesn’t have any reviews or references. Reviews give you word-of-mouth confirmation that the company is skilled and experienced and that they can be trusted. You can check their website and social media pages for reviews, as well as their Yelp page, Google reviews, Angi, and the Better Business Bureau.
  • Looking for complaints – You should also look for complaints. While every company has negative reviews, some complaints are red flags that should discourage you from hiring a company. If customers say that the movers didn’t show up on time, broke or lost items, damaged their home, charged more than they said they would, or were unfriendly, you should choose a different company.
  • Comparing costs and deposit requirements – Be sure to compare costs and estimates, as well as their deposit requirements. Most moving companies don’t require large deposits, and if they do that could be a red flag. A deposit shouldn’t be more than 20% of the estimated cost of the move.
  • The importance of insurance – It’s crucial that your moving company be insured and bonded. Insurance protects you if your items or home are damaged, or if items go missing. Insurance can also protect you from liability if your movers are injured on your property or while transporting your belongings.
  • What if your items are damaged? If your items are damaged, they may be covered by the mover’s insurance company up to a certain value amount. Talk to your movers about this ahead of time to confirm.

Benefits of Hiring a Moving Company

  • They will do the job and do it fast.
  • You won’t have to do the heavy lifting.
  • They will help with inventory.
  • There’s less or no hassle at all.
  • Save time and prevent stress.
  • Get your move completed on schedule.
  • Prevent damage to your belongings or home.
  • Get assistance with heavy, fragile items.
  • Obtain packing services or assistance with packing.
  • Make a long-distance move more convenient.

When Should You Hire a Professional Moving Company?

If you’re not sure whether it’s worth it to hire a professional moving company, here are some scenarios in which the investment is worth it:

  • You are ill, elderly, or don’t have the strength or mobility to handle moving on your own.
  • You don’t have the time to pack and move everything yourself.
  • You’re doing a long-distance move.
  • You don’t have the right tools or equipment to safely move your belongings.
  • You own multiple large, heavy, or fragile items.
  • You own specialty items that are valuable or difficult to move.
  • You need furniture or other items disassembled before moving.
  • You don’t have friends or family to help you move.

It’s best to hire a professional moving company as soon as possible so you can ensure they are available on the day of your move.

 Hire a Professional Moving Company in College Station, TX

Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation with our professional moving company in College Station, TX. We can make an appointment to discuss your plans and assess your needs, goals, timeline, and budget. We will find the most effective and efficient moving solutions for you so your move will be fast, easy, and stress-free.