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Movers at RoadStar Moving follow ultimate moving tips in Bryan-College Station, TX

The Ultimate Moving Checklist in Bryan-College Station, TX

Whether you’re relocating down the road or moving out of state, a checklist can save you from a myriad of unnecessary stress. To eliminate the hassle and expedite your moving experience, look to RoadStar Moving. As a premier moving professional in Bryan-College Station, TX, we are here to guide you through the ultimate moving checklist.

Streamline Your Move With RoadStar Moving

Moving into a new home is an exciting venture. However, before you can experience the benefits of your transition, there are many pivotal factors to take care of. To mitigate moving day panic, entrust your relocation plans to RoadStar Moving. We are leading commercial, long-distance movers and residential movers in Bryan-College Station, TX.

Start a Month Before

Gone are the days of last-minute moves. At RoadStar Moving, we know that the most successful moves begin at least one month before the move-out day. Approximately 30 days before you’re set to leave, contact your service providers, including utilities, internet, and insurance providers to update your billing address and/or cancel your services.

Create a Digital Packing Checklist for Moving

Consolidate your home inventory and projected moving timeline by creating a digital packing checklist for moving. To foster consistency and organization throughout your packing process, this plan should include:

  • Packing timeline
  • Inventory list for each room that needs to be packed
  • Time slot for donating and/or disposing of items you no longer need

Use Good Quality Packing Materials

Moving day is often associated with damaged belongings. Fortunately, by prioritizing good quality packing materials, this risk can be avoided. To safely pack your items, we recommend:

  • Durable moving boxes in numerous sizes
  • Heavy-duty tape
  • Packing paper/bubble wrap to secure fragile belongings
  • Cling-wrap for drawers, doors, and furniture
  • Labels and markers

Pack Room-by-Room

Approaching packing without a strategy can create a disorganized living space and an inefficient moving experience. Employ a room-by-room packing process to keep clutter at bay without compromising your timeline. We recommend beginning with less-frequented rooms, such as guest bedrooms or storage closets, before moving on to your main living spaces.

Take Pictures of Electronic Connections

In today’s technology-driven world, most households feature numerous electronic devices. These devices are equipped with wires and connections that must be taken apart and put back together once you move. To facilitate this process, snap photos of how the wires are arranged prior to disassembling them so you can easily reconfigure them later.

Make Sure Your Boxes Are Well-Labeled

Some of your moving boxes will contain items that require immediate unpacking. To quickly access important belongings and unpack without hassle once you’re settled into your new home, make sure each of your moving boxes is well-labeled. We recommend labeling each box and filing the name of the box into your digital packing plan.

Get Proactive About Parking Permits & Elevator Access

Your moving plans may call for parking permits or elevator access. This is commonly seen in moving checklists for apartments but is also possible for residential addresses. To ensure your moving trucks can access your residence without legal hurdles, proactively obtain mandated parking permits and reserve your building’s elevator.

Unpack Strategically

Similar to the packing process, simplify your unpacking plans by approaching the task with a strategy. To remain organized, efficient, and on track, we recommend unpacking room by room. However, unlike when you pack, unpacking should begin with the main living areas and be followed by less-frequented spaces.

Call RoadStar Moving to Master Your Moving Out Checklist

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by an upcoming move, you’ve come to the right place. RoadStar Moving in Bryan-College Station, TX, offers an efficient, proactive, and professional approach to relocating. Contact our team today to create a personalized moving house checklist or to schedule your moving services.